Komatsu Intelligent Machine Control

Move material faster and smarter

  • Automation that enhances productivity
  • Easy to use, even for less experienced operators
  • Complete jobs in fewer passes


Compatible with both dozers and excavators, Komatsu's intelligent machine control systems help you go from rough digging to finished grade with precision and accuracy. Operators no longer need to use a manual grade checker or ground stakes to know where to move the dirt, significantly reducing the time and labor necessary for the project.

Excavator machine control systems

Komatsu's excavator machine control lets you focus on moving material efficiently, and you don't need to worry about digging too deep or damaging the target surface. Excavating is simplified because of a bucket angle hold control feature that automatically keeps the angle relative to the design surface during arm operation, allowing the operator to finish grading using only arm input. Plus, you can dig without aligning the machine with the target surface through the auto tilt bucket control feature, which lets the operator align the bucket parallel with the slope.

Dozer machine control systems

Using smart grade control systems, Komatsu dozers go from rough dozing to precision finish grading, completely in automatic mode.

Proactive dozer control – The dozer automatically measures the terrain it tracks over and uses it to plan the next pass. Smart Komatsu dozers are now over 60% more productive than the previous generation.

Lift layer control – This feature automatically spreads fill from existing terrain with one press of the button. Double your production, and achieve consistent layers to maximize compaction quality.

Tilt steering control – Automatically tilt the blade to maintain straight travel during rough dozing. Tilt steering control reduces operator steering input by up to 80%.

More Information on Komatsu Intelligent Machine Control